Watch our FAQ Respectful Workplace Series and learn what some of the most common questions people ask are!
Q1. What's the best way to deal with a bullying situation in the workplace?
Q2. Does the behaviour have to be deliberate to deemed harassment or sexual harassment?
Q3. What happens if you try to resolve it informally, but doesn't work?
Q4. Does the behaviour have to be repeated in order for it to be deemed bullying?
Q5. What's the role of HR?
Q6. What if the person that you are dealing with is a lot more senior than you?
Q7. I feel like I'm on the other side of the bullying behaviour but I don't feel comfortable speaking up, what do you suggest?
Q8. What do you suggest if you witness something and the person is more senior than you that's doing inappropriate behaviour, but you don't' feel like you can say anything in the moment?
Q9. What do you think the new way of working (virtually and remotely) will mean for bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour?
Q 10. What's your advice on how individuals can play their role in creating a respectful workplace?
Let us know what you have in mind. There's only one way to find out what we can do for you.