Three simple words. Three simple words that can kickstart a conversation that can change a life.


Today is National R U OK Day, my favourite initiative we have in this country, for so many reasons.

R U OK Day is: 

  • A great way to connect.

  • A great way to show you care.

  • A great way to kickstart a simple conversation that can change a life.

If you haven’t already, be a conversation hero today & ask someone in your world “R U OK?" 
Take a picture & upload on the website or share it on social media @ruokday #ruokday.

Let’s keep the conversations going.



BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder & director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity & performance in organisations. Her passion made her to be an advocate in creating sustainable behavioural changes & creating meaningful relationships both personally and professionally with her most recent Keynote Science of Connection. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious.

Connect with Blythe

Read More of Blythe's Blog



R U OK? is an organisation that wants to start a Conversation Movement and inspire all people to have regular, meaningful conversations about life's ups and downs.

Visit their website to read more & download 356 Day Resources that could help you keep the message going at work.