What Gus Worland taught me about making a difference!

What Gus Worland taught me about making a difference!

This week I was asked to take part in filming a brand new exciting documentary, “How can it be?”.

Here’s the thing. When I said “YES” I had no idea what I was really saying “YES” to. I knew the overarching context (uncovering your DNA + impact on mental & physical health). It’s seriously cool stuff. But, when it came to the filming, it was all very secretive as the Director wanted it to be real. So I trusted. I trusted the team & I trusted the process.

Resting Bitch Face!

Resting Bitch Face!

It was a sunny Thursday morning.

I was interstate, travelling for work when I jumped into the hotel lift that I often frequent. As I enter, I cheerily greet the one, lone lady in the lift “Good Morning!!” and give her a huge, big smile (Yes, yes I am that person).

What do you want? Warning, contains a Transformation Challenge!

What do you want? Warning, contains a Transformation Challenge!

2016 has come & gone & another new year emerges.

What do you want this year? Have you given that some thought yet? Not what do others want you to do? Not what should you do? What do you want? for you personally? for your family? for your career or business? for your life?

What Matters Most!

What Matters Most!

Did you know, October is national safety month in Oz? 

Ironically, at the beginning of October, we had a big house fire. Yet what happens when you experience tragedies like this, is that you quickly get perspective on what matters most!

Inspiration Overload!

Inspiration Overload!

In my line of work, I am pretty privileged to meet a lot of amazing people.

Apart from my wonderful clients of course who inspire me daily, on the speaker circuit we often meet a lot of celebrities, athletes, political powerhouses, successful business people as well as incredible individuals doing amazing things.