This week I was asked to take part in filming a brand new exciting documentary, “How can it be?”.

Here’s the thing. When I said “YES” I had no idea what I was really saying “YES” to. I knew the overarching context (uncovering your DNA + impact on mental & physical health). It’s seriously cool stuff. But, when it came to the filming, it was all very secretive as the Director wanted it to be real. So I trusted. I trusted the team & I trusted the process.

Now imagine, The Biggest Loser, My Kitchen Rules & This is Your Life, all coming together in one show, hosted by the hilarious Gus Worland (Triple M, Mental Health Campaigner) & that’s what unravelled. There was seriously blood, sweat & tears (of joy). There was lots of cuddles & even more laughs. Stay tuned for the finished doc, I promise to keep you posted. 

As I drove home after an amazing couple of days, I was on a natural high. It highlighted to me the power of making meaningful new connections & doing meaningful work.

In order to do this, here are some of the things I was reminded that we need to be prepared to do:

1. Adopt a curious vs closed mindset

When faced with new opportunities to make new connections or get involved in new things, it’s so easy to default to “oh I am too busy!”,  “I don’t have time to get involved in new things”, “I don’t have time to make new friends, I can barely keep the ones I have!” (n.b.. I am guilty of saying all those things!). But when we adopt a curious mindset in lieu of a closed mindset, it’s amazing what opportunities can come your way. If it feels right, I often say “YES” & work out how later. 

2. Find awesome people doing awesome work

Sometimes our own roles or jobs may seem mundane. I get it! It doesn’t mean you can’t find others out there doing great stuff & get on board. The power of collaborating with like-minded people is amazing. Whether it’s a cross-functional project at work or a movement online, a sporting event to raise funds or awareness or giving back in your community, there are stacks of opportunities to get involved in meaningful movements that make a huge difference & fill your heart with joy.

3. Let your guard down

To make meaningful connections, we gotta be vulnerable. Vulnerable to people we don’t know well, to the unknown, to not knowing what to do, to making a fool of ourselves, to failing & more. It’s only when we let our guard down do we have the chance to see what we’re really capable of. I truly believe, each of us is way more capable than what we think we are! 

4. Trust!

When we work with others or join a movement, sometimes we relinquish our control (especially if it’s not ‘our baby’) & that’s OK.  We need to trust the people we’re connecting with, trust in their intent, trust in their ability, trust in yourself, in the process & finally trust that together, you are going to make a real difference. 

5. Be Playful

When we put ourselves out there, open for judgement, sometimes it’s tempting to take ourselves a bit too seriously. Especially us adults! When did we become so serious? Instead, be playful. Have fun with yourself & others. Laugh (at yourself of course!). Nothing better than the feeling of contagious laughter (not to mention the oxytocin produced, remember “The Connection Chemical”), to make stronger connections & feel alive!

Keep connecting! Until next time….



BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder & director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity & performance in organisations. Her passion made her to be an advocate in creating sustainable behavioural changes & creating meaningful relationships both personally and professionally with her most recent Keynote 'Science of Connection'. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious.

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i4 Live Retreat & RAW Impact

If you are looking for something to get involved in & want to learn more about yourself, neuroleadership & give back to the community at the same time, join myself & the team from About my Brain Institute for the i4 Live Retreat in Cambodia in October 2017. It is going to be life-changing!