Fast forward to the future workplace, it is certain that:

  • simple automation will replace many routine human jobs.

It is highly probable that:

  • the traditional hierarchy will be replaced by wirearchy (networks) & workforce structures will change dramatically.

It is even possible that:

  • organisations will be leaderless and work will be all self-directed by employees.

So what does all this mean?

From an employee perspective, the competencies that got you here, won’t necessarily take you into the future. Whilst it is imperative that all employees develop their digital skills to keep up with the rapid speed of evolving technology, the human skills will be, just as, if not even more essential, in the future workplace.

It will be a workplace where relationships trump rank.

Individuals who master connect-ability, the skill of understanding the science behind human connection to intentionally build meaningful relationships, will win in the workplace of the future.

Connect-ability is the skill of co-connecting, utilising artificial and human interactions to build stronger relationships. The future will not be AI/Robots vs Humans. It does not need to be an either/or thing.

Technology is the vehicle, but it will always be the humans who are behind the wheel.

In the workplace of the future, where teams will disband as quickly as they form, individuals must build trust and form new, meaningful relationships quicker and deeper than ever before.

Understanding how the human brain is wired is imperative to be able to strategically build relationships and influence others in the artificial world. Understanding our own humanness, tapping into it and combining this with the wonders of technology will enable greater connection than ever before.

And the good news is, connect-ability is the most human skill of all!

Keep smiling, keep connecting


P.S.: I’d love you to come and join Nils Vesk, Paul Carson and I at our upcoming half-day boutique event: The Next Big Thing where we will be discussing the future trends in business, people & customer service!

BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!

The Next Big Thing: Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane


More than an event, The Next Big Thing will equip you with ‘must have’ tools for business. Three speakers from widely different worlds converge to bring you the latest strategies and insights to turn around your world.

In three fabulous locations: 

Sydney: Thursday 31st May
Melbourne: Friday 1st June
Brisbane: Thursday 14th June

Because you are a valued member of my network, I’d love to offer you a special offer.

The business tools you will get include:

  1. Half day workshop, three speakers, three ‘must know' topics valued at $399

  2. Personalised trends chart (self generated on the day) valued at $149

  3. Personalised strategy map (self generated on the day) valued at $149

  4. Nils Vesk’s Innovation Book: “Innovation Archetypes: principles for world class innovation” valued at $28

  5. Innovation Launch Pad online innovation program - an 8 week online innovation program valued at $697: The Innovation Launch Pad is an online innovation program that's supported by 'how to' videos and 'how to' 'step by step' innovation process map flow charts designed to equip you with all the processes and techniques you need to turn you into a world class innovator. 

The total value of all these tools amounts to over $1,422. 

The Next Big Thing boutique workshop tickets are $399 incl. gst. with a total savings amount to $1,023.

However, there’s more, as you are a special friend of mine, I’d love to offer you 2 for 1 offer. 

All this, two for the price of one. That’s over $2,400 in savings. 

How to register

To claim your 2 for 1 tickets register, visit our registration page!
Use the coupon BUY1GET2. Note the coupon is entered in the check out section. 

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