All our lives are better if they’re a little bit wild!

Evidence shows that people feel happier when they are closer to nature. Just being outdoors, having a sense of openness, sends signals to our mind and to our body that immediately make us feel more buoyant. 

Scientists in the UK set up what they called a nature challenge. They asked over 18,000 participants to do something wild each day. 

Everyone chose something different where they went out and connected with nature every single day of that month.

At the end of the study, participants reported an increased sense of health, happiness, and well-being. 

We have all been living in this weird ‘iso’ world, where the feeling of being trapped indoors is more than usual and the level of disruption has played havoc on many people’s stress levels and overall well-being. So now is the perfect time for us to take up our very own nature challenge and get a little wild.

Our May #2020Challenge is to ‘Do Something Wild’ for 5 days. Go on, I dare you! You will be pleasantly surprised at how alive it can make you feel.

Do Something Wild Ideas:

  • Get up early and watch the sunrise

  • Watch the sunset

  • Stargaze

  • Go for a walk outside

  • Take a breathing break, outside in the fresh air

  • Have a team walking ‘video’ meeting

  • Pick some flowers

  • Go barefoot and connect to the earth

  • Take a meal outside

  • Get some vitamin D

  • Exercise outdoors

  • Listen to birds

  • Do a litter patrol 

  • Swim in the cool ocean 

  • Play in the sand 

  • Jump in a puddle 

Give our May #2020Challenge a crack and see how you feel after 5 days of doing something wild and connecting back with nature. 

Be sure to share your ‘wild’ actions daily and tag us @humanincite #2020Challenge #somethingwild

Stay safe, keep learning



Do Something Wild!

If there's a magic formula to create happiness, would you do it? 

The challenging environment that we have been living and working in has to lead to increased feelings of anxiety and stress for many of us. If we want to thrive through this disruption, we need to get intentional about strategies to build our mental and physical wellbeing and happiness.

What do you need to keep doing? What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to start doing?

BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!