“When you're green you’re growing, when you’re ripe you rot!”
- Ray Kroc, McDonald’s founder 

None of us wants to be rotting away in our homes, losing our mojo, motivation and momentum. 

Learning something new is a powerful antidote!

Estoy estudiando español en este momento. Tengo mucho trabajo que hacer. ¡Pero es divertido!
(Translation: I am studying Spanish at the moment. I have a lot of work to do. But it is fun!)

Never before has the time been more perfect, than right now, to learn something new.

Yeah yeah, I know we’d all prefer to be able to wander the streets freely and hang out in the office lunchroom like we used to, but given we can’t (for the interim) why not seize the moment! The reality is, for years now, we’ve known that we need to embrace being a Life-Long Learner if we want to grow and future-proof our careers (and lives).

I mean, Ray Kroc has been dead for over 35 years and he knew it back then. 

The fact is, the competencies that got us to where we are in our careers today, ain’t going to be the ones that move us into the future.

Our challenge is that we often don’t prioritise the time (or commitment) to upskill ourselves.

So let’s take advantage of this new working and living situation and make it work for us.

In terms of your role or career, reflect:

  • Where do you want to go in your career? Do you want to pivot in your career or business?

  • What are your current skill gaps (technical or people skills) in order for you to get there?

  • What are you passionate about learning?

Check-in with your organisation if they have training programs on offer and if not, look for them yourself. There are stacks of amazing self-led online programs, at an exceptionally good value (so no excuses).

If nothing comes to mind for your career, don’t let that deter you from getting on the learning bandwagon.

Utilise this time to step outside your comfort, ‘iso’ Netflix-binging zone, and learn something new, personally.

Have some fun with it - PLAY!  

Here are some ideas for fun personal things you could commit to learning:

  • A language (Duolingo is a fun cool app) or at least dabble in it like I am

  • DIY: home renovating 

  • Learn to cook 

  • Learn to garden

  • A new sport or exercise (take up one of those 100’s of free trials at the moment)

  • How to meditate or become a yoga instructor 

  • Learn to play an instrument 

  • How to do makeup well

  • Photography or videography 

  • Making phonebooks

The list is absolutely endless. 

And the best bit folks, we can pretty much learn anything, anytime these days (even in iso) with the wonders of youtube, the internet, online programs, apps, and of course, social media.

Love to hear what you commit to learning! Share it with us on our socials #2020Challenge.

Stay safe, keep learning,



Learn Something New! 

Do you want to future proof yourself and remain relevant? 

The working world is changing ever so quickly and the skills we need to survive and ultimately, thrive are changing too. This next revolution of work, will require an evolution; of skills, roles and possibilities. You need to take the lead on your career and be a life-long learner if you want to succeed.

What do you want to improve on? What are you passionate about? What would you love to learn?

BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!