The VUCA World. 
Many of us have been throwing this word around the last few years to describe the current world that we live and work in. Yet I think most of us underestimated the reality of the term and its impact. 

If you are unfamiliar with the acronym, it’s a term coined by the US Military and stands for:

If ever a time in our lives the term VUCA is more relevant, it’s now. 

From bushfires, to floods to now the global Big C pandemic! The world we live and operate in is more VUCA than ever. We are living in unprecedented circumstances. Every part of our everyday life is being threatened; our environment, our health, our wellbeing, our economy our social structures. 

And we can’t escape it. We are reminded of it every single moment. Every news report, social media post and email focusses on this crisis and stirs up the hysteria.

Little wonder the fear that surrounds this crazy time in our history is spreading more than the pandemic itself. 

We are all scared. In some way, shape or form. Whether for our own health or the health of a loved one, for our jobs, for our businesses or perhaps at the thought of getting the runs and running out of loo paper! (sorry couldn’t resist).

The risk is of course that we will focus all our limited energy (energy which we need to keep our spirits and immunity up) on all the things that we have absolutely zero control over, we feel fearful, flat and sometimes, defeated.

Yes, we need to be educated. And yes, we need to face reality and be realistic.

We also have to be wary of who we listen to and what we focus on.

So if you, or maybe your family or team, are feeling fearful, flat or defeated, a little tip for what it’s worth: 
#LetGo of what you can’t control and focus on what you can!  

We absolutely need to acknowledge the things going on that affect us, and we need to acknowledge that much of it is outside our control. 

We can also acknowledge what is within our control and shift your energy and focus to these.

 10 Ideas of things that are within our control:

  1. Taking ownership: Of our own hygiene and hand washing.

  2. Being proactive: Isolating ourselves if we feel we might be at risk.

  3. Social distancing: This is really hard for an extravert like me, but if it helps reduce risk, we need to do what we need to do.

  4. Consciously choosing who we ‘listen’ to: The millions of ‘experts’ on Facebook are probably not some of them!

  5. Seek information and data from the experts, the reputable sources: World Health Organisation and the leading Medical experts in our country.

  6. Choosing to ‘turn off’ the noise: The tv, radio, internet, if it starts to feel all-consuming and overwhelming.

  7. Being mindful of our language: Are we fuelling the chaos or creating calm by the words we choose?

  8. Choosing to look for the opportunity in a challenging situation: If you are stuck at home, maybe it’s a great time to do an ‘autumn’ clean out or read that book you’ve been wanting to read or strategise for your business.

  9. Conscious of our own behaviour in challenging times: Choosing to be adaptable vs. inflexible, choosing curiosity over judgement, choosing to listen more and tell less.

  10. How we treat others: Choosing compassion over contempt.

Whilst it might not seem like it at times, there are many things that actually are within our control. 

So try it out, or take our #2020Challenge and #MapItOut! 

When we let go of what we can’t control and focus on what we can, we regain a sense of control (albeit even just a little), which helps create a sense of calmness. And God knows, we all need a little more calmness in this time of chaos!

Take care everyone!



#MapItOut & Focus on what you can!

Let go of what you can't control and focus on what you can! 

We have to be wary of who we listen to and what we focus on. Let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you can and acknowledge that sometimes things are outside our control!

What do you currently spend most of your limited energy focusing on?

BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!